Famous bald eagles Jackie and Shadow have a shot at a family this year. Their eggs are hatching and anyone can follow along ...
Jackie and Shadow are now the proud parents of two eaglets who have hatched as thousands tune in to a livestream of an eagle ...
After several years of disappointment, there was a sign Sunday that the Big Bear bald eagle couple Jackie and Shadow may soon ...
Thousands who have been watching the eagles' nest on camera got to see a hatchling emerge, with glimpses of tiny feathers and ...
Friends of Big Bear Valley announced Sunday afternoon that pipping had begun for Jackie and Shadow, who’ve experienced years ...
After much anticipation, Big Bear’s Jackie and Shadow seemingly welcomed an eaglet late Monday, as captured by a live cam set ...
Bald eagle Jackie laid three eggs this year and, since then, she and her partner Shadow have taken turns keeping the eggs warm as thousands of fans keep an eagle eye on a live cam of the couple.
In the San Bernardino Mountains, eagle couple Jackie and Shadow’s tree-top nest, includes three eggs, with two that appear to be hatching.
For those of us who have been on pins and needles awaiting the arrival of Jackie’s and Shadow’s new hatchlings, the wait is ...
The start date for Pip Watch 2025 wasn't randomly chosen, of course; the incubation period for Jackie and Shadow's past eggs ...
Pip away my sweet little ones, your journey has been long awaited,” one person commented about the California eagles.