IPFlex Inc. introduces DAPDNA-2, Dynamically Reconfigurable Processor, and the connected component labeling (CCL) algorithm optimized to DAPDNA-2 architecture. The labeling engine, which is the IP of ...
Borokhovich, Michael Avin, Chen and Lotker, Zvi 2014. Bounds for algebraic gossip on graphs. Random Structures & Algorithms, Vol. 45, Issue. 2, p. 185.
Yang, Cheng Cheung, Gene and Hu, Wei 2022. Signed Graph Metric Learning via Gershgorin Disc Perfect Alignment. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 44, Issue. 10, p.
Many practical problems can be represented by graphs: they can be used to model many types of relations and processes in physical, biological, social and information systems. Finding connected ...
The Microsoft Graph Toolkit is a collection of reusable, framework-agnostic components and authentication providers for accessing and working with Microsoft Graph. The components are fully functional ...