Post-Covid concerns about small landlords are continuing to drive the conversation around renter aid policies.
A little over 40% of L.A. voters said Mayor Bass did a poor or very poor job in responding to the fires, while just 19% saw ...
Ex-deputy says L.A. County fired him for 'optics' after he was involved in a controversial 2022 scuffle with a Black woman in Palmdale.
SCE customers billed for days without power, while water rates surge despite firefighting shortages Scrolling through local social media, one sees postings objecting to Southern California Edison ...
Concerned with possible cancer-risk and other impacts caused by the troubled Chiquita Canyon Landfill, Los Angeles County Supervisor Board Chair Kathryn Barger called for an update […] ...
After weeks of backlash over January’s wildfires, Mayor Karen Bass has struggled to gain her political footing and many residents were dissatisfied with her response to the fire emergencies, a new ...
“Today, Republicans voted to hand the President and Elon Musk a blank check, freeing them to cut Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, and veterans’ benefits,” said Thompson.
Public opinion is split on the council and board, but those questioned in the poll had a more unfavorable view of Karen Bass.