The equivalent of 754 Services Australia staff have completed procurement and contract management training in the wake of a ...
While Labor comes under fire over military readiness, figures show defence spending as a share of the federal budget is at ...
President Donald Trump's pick to lead US Pentagon policy expressed concern over Australia's low defence spend. The prime ...
If the independents hold the balance of power after the next election, how can they permanently curb the power of the major parties? A citizens' assembly might do the trick.
It should not have taken the Americans to tell us that we must increase our defence spending by around $26bn a year, or 50 ...
To discuss Trump Mark 2 on the world stage and what that means for Australia, we're joined by James Curran, professor of ...
Just as all independent campaigns are different, Coalition MPs are taking markedly different approaches to their regional challengers.
A Republican-led group of lawmakers is looking to limit the power of big, corporate landlords in Georgia’s housing market.
Caving to right-wing pressure, Creative Australia canceled its invitation to pro-Palestinian artist Khaled Sabsabi to the ...
Men are male and women are female, regardless of any claimed identity, and there are Democrats all over this country who understand this to be true.
Liberals were headed for a wipeout. But after Trump ramped up his attacks, they reversed a 20-point polling deficit and are neck-and-neck with the Conservatives.