A sketchy look at the news of the day.
Eliminate the gas tax and replace it with pay per mile for all vehicles as follows: Motorcycles, -one cent per mile. Currently, Tesla owners pay only a flat $225 a year road maintenance fee. Compare ...
I’ve lived a long time in this beloved country and have taken an oath to obey the laws inherent in our U.S. Constitution many times. I fervently believe in the democratic principles that have guided ...
I hang out at the Carl Gipson Center in Everett several days a week, where I have some very good friends. It still seems like a “senior” center.
I’m urging the people of Snohomish County to contact your local representatives and ask them to defend United States Forest Service land and demand a return to normal staffing levels.
Prep girls basketball weekend roundup for Feb. 28-March 1: (Note for coaches/scorekeepers: To report results and statistics, email [email protected]. Please report results by 10:30 p.m.) ...
Prep boys basketball weekend roundup for Feb. 28-March 1: (Note for coaches/scorekeepers: To report results and statistics, email [email protected]. Please report results by 10:30 p.m.) ...