Randy Koenen of Red River Farm Network and Randy Martinson of Martinson Ag Risk Management discuss the concern of oncoming ...
A ranch selling beef to consumers. Organic farm groups wait for word on federal funding cuts. The cattle market and its ...
StormTRACKER meteorologist Lydia Blume explains how recent high temperatures have erased snow and what to expect in March, ...
Troy and Stacy Hadrick of Faulkton, South Dakota, raise around 300 head of cattle, offering direct-to-consumer beef along ...
Much of the bill has been designed and discussed with the proposed Agristo potato processing facility in Grand Forks in mind.
Courtney Gaine, president and CEO of the Sugar Association, explains the latest in nutritional policy, including what Robert ...
Gevo's CEO says the Trump administration’s directives put facts back in the driver’s seat and put renewable fuels in a ...
The North Dakota Legislature is doing some fast footwork to pick up the pieces in the wake of legal drama over drainage that ...
The world leans toward chaotic right now, but Jenny Schlecht has found some peace in the cold nights of checking heifers that ...
Clare Hintz is president of the board of directors for Marbleseed. She runs Elsewhere Farm near the south shore of Lake ...
Farm management analyst Kent Thiesse offers guidance on selecting crop insurance options before the March deadline.
Minnesota lawmakers propose extending tax credits for sustainable aviation fuel, aiming to stay ahead of other states.