El Senado de Puerto Rico ha aprobado el proyecto de ley, que ahora debe pasar a la Cámara, que propone celebrar el próximo 11 de junio una consulta sobre el estatus en la que las dos opciones son ...
Through a statement on Twitter, the U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, said on Wednesday, Jan. 25 that due to former Panama President Ricardo Martinelli's ties to the Odebrecht scandal and two ...
City Councilman Curtis Jones Jr. plans to introduce a bill Thursday that would make two official Muslim holidays in Philadelphia. Jones said it is an issue of providing the same “holiday access” that ...
Pedro Pierluisi, Puerto Rico’s 12th elected Governor, was recently sworn into office on Jan. 2, 2020. He won the Nov. 3 contest by capturing only 33% of votes. Pierluisi, who is a Democrat, was ...
Mia Roberts Perez, one of the candidates elected yesterday to Philadelphia’s Court of Common Pleas, will be bringing more diversity to the bench where there are currently only a few Latino judges in a ...
“Sin miedo, con ganas. Aqui tiene que salir todo el mundo a la calle sin importar color, sin importar creencias religiosas, sin importar tu ideal politico.” These are the words Benito Antonio Ocasio, ...
Wednesday morning’s announcement that Philadelphia Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey will retire at the end of this year begs many questions. Who will fill the shoes? Will the replacement be promoted ...
Twenty Dominicans were detained for trying to illegally enter Puerto Rico. In a press release on Tuesday, Aug. 30, the U.S. Coast Guard explained that the operation was carried out when a U.S. Customs ...
Carolina, 37, has coffee-colored eyes, a sweet look and a tenacity that allowed her to escape the clutches of a powerful Central American street gang called Barrio 18 and get her family safely to ...
This weekend has shaken the foundations of Latin American politics and organizations nationwide. After Assemblywoman Cristina Garcia took a leave without pay while two allegations of sexual harassment ...
While the Supreme Court last Summer may have ruled to strip American women the right to an abortion and reduce access to abortion medication, this will not stop the women from seeking the procedure ...
Lo que comenzó con una tarjeta roja culminó con un sangriento altercado que llevó a la muerte de un jugador y el desmembramiento del réferi durante un partido de fútbol aficionado en Brasil. Este ...