Poudre School District's search for available school buses to replace its aging fleet leads to purchase on Craigslist from a ...
In Miami-Dade, big contracts like BusPatrol’s typically go through a rigorous procurement procedure where vendors compete for ...
Amber Pickett, a school bus driver, saved IU men's basketball team by rescuing them after their bus caught fire on I-275. She was invited to their game as a hero.
Districts could adopt policies requiring students to surrender devices at the beginning of the school day, or adopt ...
Tyree Epps, 32, was speeding south in a 2008 Mercedes-Benz C300 on Van Sinderen Ave. in Brownsville when police say he sped ...
The co-sponsors of Senate Bill 38 said there are limited penalties for drivers who illegally pass a stopped school bus.
Pike County Superintendent Freddie Bowling said school will remain closed for another 10 days, and the school day will have ...