UC Berkeley’s Principles of Community guide our personal and collective behavior and how we interact with one another. One of those principles is Free Speech/Freedom of Expression. There are hundreds ...
Located here: Philosophy and institutes for Governmental Studies, International Studies, European Studies, Middle Eastern Studies, Institute of Governmental Studies Library ...
The Free Speech Movement (FSM) Café, centrally located at the entrance to Moffitt Library, is a casual place to gather, study, or take a break with friends and colleagues. It is also a venue for ...
The oldest structure on campus, and the only surviving building of the original university nucleus, South Hall was the original home of the College of Agriculture. It once had a near twin, North Hall, ...
Original home of much of the computer infrastructure on campus, the building gets poor reviews because of its dark, closed-in design, its massive scale, and its unfortunate location spoiling the main ...
Built on the site of a natural amphitheater in the hills above campus, with funds donated by William Randolph Hearst, the Greek Theatre was the first building designed by campus architect John Galen ...
This log cabin behind the Faculty Club was originally a meeting hall for the senior class. It was the first campus building to be built with student donations. Spared from planned dismantling in 1973, ...
This seven-story tower at the west edge of campus, designed by Welton Becet & Associates, originally housed the University of California Office of the President. When UCOP relocated to Oakland, ...
This natural amphiteater is one of the most popular spaces on campus for picknicking and outdoor study. It may once have been the site of an Ohlone Native American settlement that harvested fresh ...
Designed by William Wurster and named for Horace Albert Barker, a biochemist specializing in metabolism.
Named for pioneer California banker Peder Sather, the gate used to mark the formal south entrance to campus (until campus expanded down to Bancroft Way). It remains a popular spot for leafleting and ...
A major gift from Hong Kong businessman Jack C.C. Tang, two of whose daughters graduated from Berkeley, helped fund this center for student health care. Among the services available are acute care, ...