The government’s support for Heathrow expansion is in keeping with the robotic incantations of economic growth ...
Much of what was great about Chris Jefferies was used to attack him and destroy his reputation when the media, ...
Stanford was among the first composers in Britain to write church music that was not automatically relegated to ...
Tom Johnson joins Malin Hay to discuss the revolution in numeracy and use of numbers in Early Modern England. How did the English go from seeing arithmetic as the province of tradespeople and ...
Apuleius’ Metamorphoses, better known as The Golden Ass, is the only ancient Roman novel to have survived in its entirety. Following the story of Lucius, forced to suffer as a donkey until the goddess ...
On one level, Mansfield Park is a fairytale transposed to the 19th century: Fanny Price is the archetypal poor relation who, through her virtuousness, wins a wealthy husband. But Jane Austen’s 1814 ...
Last week, a trove of leaked documents offered a glimpse into the role that large technology companies have played ...
While Trump’s schemes to impose tariffs on Chinese, Canadian, Mexican and European imports have been taken ...
While Trump’s schemes to impose tariffs on Chinese, Canadian, Mexican and European imports have been taken seriously enough to be refuted by economists, journalists and businessmen, his declarations ...
Ronald Reagan, as Jackson Lears wrote recently in the LRB, was a ‘telegenic demagogue’ whose ‘emotional appeal was built on white people’s racism’. His presidency left the United States a far more ...